Part 62: Chapter 5 Quiz
Music: Play It Again
Then Rachel called and told me about the painting Angel Opening a Door. Seems the thing was stolen from a New York art museum three years ago. We talked, then I went to meet Rosa and ended up running into Jeff. Jeff asked me...

What's wrong with him?

Look after Mila, will you?

Did Dunning say anything?
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

I went to check up on her and used my notebook to chat with her. I learned that her father's name is...

Kevin Woodward

Martin Summer

Robert Evans
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

That's when Melissa told me she'd seen Jeff coming out of my room. I knew Jeff was trouble, so I went back and gave the laundry room a quick search. What I found there was unexpected. It was...

A crowbar

A Room 215 master key

A gun
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

We both figured Jeff was involved somehow and decided to roll him up. While Louie kept Jeff busy, I took a little stroll through his room. I patted down Jeff's jacket and found...

A mini sewing machine

A newspaper

Jeff's Student ID
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

Then I stuck his feet to the coals and asked why he was trying to stir up trouble. Jeff told me all about his idiotic plan, and how he was ticked off at the old man. His father's name is Larry Damon, and he makes a living as a...



Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

It did convince me of one thing though: people do stupid things. But when you ask them, they always got a reason.
Music: Silent Moon